Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a fundamentally different approach to health and healing than the one we have in modern medicine. And while modern medicine is superior in many ways to these ancient forms of medicine, TCM seems to be superior in treating some kinds of ailments, including premature ejaculation (PE).
However, this doesn’t mean you should run to the next acupuncture clinic and have them stick needles into your penis. It’s simply another perspective of looking at PE.
It is important to understand that many terms in TCM have different meanings than the same words have in our western understanding. Micah Arsham has written an essay about how the lack of conceptual understanding for the terminology of TCM can cause serious misunderstandings, not just in popular culture but even when prescribing a medical treatment.
Just as an example, when TCM is referring to kidney they do not mean the anatomical organ that we think of when we use the word kidney. If you want an example of this, just check out the what kidney means in traditional Chinese medicine.
For more information on treating premature ejaculation with traditional Chinese medicine claim your complimentary copy of Sexual Stamina Secrets.