
I’m Timothy, a 30something year old guy who struggled with PE for many years. It took me  many years to figure out that this was not about my DNA (there is no gene for premature ejaculation), and that I haven’t been irreparably messed up during my teenage years. But I really did believe that for many years of my life – that something went so wrong that all I would ever be able of doing is somehow try to satisfy a girl with my mouth, my fingers and some toys, before I’d quickly finish off when penetrating her.

This really nagged at my self-esteem.

It’s a funny thing, because after all it’s “just sex” – and there are so many other things that matter. But somehow not being able to pound away made me feel like I wasn’t a real man.

I don’t know where you are at right now, or what brought you to this site, but my guess is that you cum too soon too.

Here’s the good news:

I now last longer than I ever imagined I could. And this might not exactly be the kind of information you wanna know about me: but my erections are rock-hard and I can keep going pretty much as long as I want too (more than long enough to satisfy any woman).

The reason why I’m telling you this is not because I enjoy sharing my intimate stuff with strangers, but to tell you this: what worked for me will work for you too. It has worked for hundreds of men I have worked with since then.