Delay Condoms Review: Trojan Extended Pleasure

Trojan Extended Pleasure is a climax control condom for men who struggle with premature ejaculation (PE). Since this is one of the most popular condom brands in the USA, I thought I should put up a review here.

Keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion, and in general I do not recommend using delay condoms as a way of treating PE.

The chemical that is used to cause the numbing effect is 4% benzocaine.


  • has a reservoir at the end for extra safety
  • 100% electronically tested
  • low price
  • the numbing lubricant is odorless


  • the numbing lubricant is applied to all of the condom, both the inside and the outside. So this condom doesn’t just reduce your sensations, but also the sensations of your sex partner
  • sometimes causes a stinging sensation

Overall verdict: 4/10

I do not recommend using Trojan Extended Pleasure. The main issue is that the numbing chemical affects not just your penis, but also her vagina, so she will feel less excited by the sex. Unless your girlfriend always climaxes too soon, you probably don’t want that to happen. Trojan should really improve this issue by applying the numbing agent only on the interior of the condom (other condom manufacturers do the same).

{ 2 comments… add one }
  • Mark May 8, 2013, 7:38 am

    i tried them, total crap. like you said, made my girl feel nothing, very boring sex.


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